Edge-to-Cloud Platform

Our world is ever evolving and we are at the frontier of digital transformation, where the convergence of Edge and Cloud Computing is revolutionizing data management. Embracing this paradigm shift, our PikeOS Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) represents a pioneering solution that blends in the agility of Edge Computing with the scalability of the Cloud.

In an era defined by digital evolution, the marriage of Edge and Cloud Computing is redefining data management in our daily lives. While Cloud Computing once centralized resources, the emergence of Edge Computing has decentralized data processing, significantly reducing latencies and enabling cutting-edge real-time applications.

PikeOS Edge-to-Cloud Platform

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Unveiling the Role of Edge-to-Cloud Technologies in Automotive

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"Edge" - What is it?

The "Edge" typically refers to the outer boundary of a network, where data is generated or consumed. It encompasses devices, sensors, and endpoints that are geographically dispersed and often located closer to where data is produced. Edge devices include smartphones, IoT sensors, and machinery in industrial settings.

Edge Computing involves processing data locally on these devices instead of sending it to a centralized location (like the Cloud) for processing. This approach reduces latency, enhances real-time processing capabilities, and conserves bandwidth by filtering and analyzing data closer to its source.

"Cloud" - What is it?

The "Cloud" refers to a network of remote servers hosted on the internet that store, manage, and process data and applications. Cloud computing involves delivering various services such as computing power, storage, databases, and software over the internet on-demand.

Cloud services are typically accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, offering scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Cloud Computing enables organizations to offload computational tasks, store large amounts of data securely, and deploy applications without needing to invest in on-premises infrastructure.

"Fog Computing" - What is it?

"Fog Computing" represents an intermediate layer between the Edge and the Cloud, where computing resources and services are provisioned closer to the Edge devices but are more centralized than Edge devices themselves.

Fog Computing extends the capabilities of Edge Computing by providing additional processing and storage capabilities closer to the Edge, allowing for more complex data analysis and decision-making while still benefiting from the low latency and real-time processing advantages of Edge Computing. This approach is particularly useful for applications that require a balance between local processing and centralized control, such as Industrial Automation, smart cities, or connected vehicles.


The Role of RTOS, Certification and Reliability

Central to the Edge-to-Cloud revolution is the Real-time Operating System (RTOS). PikeOS sets itself apart from other solutions by combining the features of an RTOS with a hypervisor. This special blend is essential for mission-critical applications which guarantees fast job execution while upholding strict Safety and Security criteria.

Certifications stand as a testament to the reliability of an RTOS. PikeOS provides certifications to the highest standards for Safety and Security, which boosts its effectiveness and acts as a defense against possible attacks. This is an essential feature for mission-critical applications that require constant reliability. PikeOS version 5.1.3 has been certified to the Common Criteria standard at EAL5+.

Learn more: RTOS Safety     RTOS Security

Remote Device Management and Data Regulation

The adaptability of an Edge-to-Cloud architecture is further augmented by remote Edge device management. Organizations can deploy updates, monitor device health, and optimize Edge systems continuously - all from a centralized standpoint, ensuring seamless operation across the network.

Navigating complex data regulations becomes more manageable with PikeOS. By enabling data processing at the Edge, sensitive data remains within local borders, strongly supporting compliance with complex local regulations. Businesses retain control over their data strategies while ensuring adherence to compliance standards. When data regulations change in a specific region, the platform can be quickly reconfigured or updated to meet the new standards.


PikeOS Edge-to-Cloud Platform

The PikeOS Edge-to-Cloud platform is a comprehensive ecosystem that seamlessly integrates Cloud Computing, Edge Processing,
and IoT connectivity to address modern embedded challenges.


Device Manager

Orchestrating these layers, the Device Manager provides centralized control and remote management capabilities, ensuring integrity and synchronization across the platform.


Cloud Layer

The Cloud Layer serves as the centralized hub for data processing and storage, facilitating large-scale analytics and machine learning. It orchestrates communication, ensuring coherent operational strategies across the network.


Edge Layer

Powered by PikeOS, the Edge Layer enables immediate data processing and storage, facilitating real-time operational decisions and localized responses. The Secure Gateway ensures data integrity and swift, secure communications.


Device Layer

Interfacing with the physical world, the Device Layer collects data from sensors and executes actions through actuators, within the IoT framework.

Platform Communication Flow

The multi-layered communication architecture guarantees that commands from the Cloud, managed by the Device Manager, are authenticated, verified,
and efficiently delivered to the intended partitions, maintaining Security and reliability throughout the process.


Communication Interface

Positioned atop PikeOS, the communication interface serves as the initial gateway between the Edge platform and the Cloud. It validates commands before forwarding them.


Command Verification

Commands received by the communication interface undergo stringent verification to ensure authenticity before being processed further.


Inter-Partition Communication

Within PikeOS, the communication interface communicates with the "Partition Control & Docker Control" using inter-partition communication, facilitating seamless intra-core interaction.


Inter-Core Communication

All partitions on the same core, whether PikeOS or PikeOS for MPU, communicate via inter-core communication, ensuring clarity and accuracy in data exchange.


Bridging PikeOS and PikeOS for MPU

To relay commands to the "Partition Control" on PikeOS for MPU, the communication interface employs inter-core communication due to their placement on different cores, ensuring efficiency.

Use Cases Across Domains

PikeOS offers a versatility of application deployment across diverse domains ensuring optimal performance, reliability, and resource optimization.
Here are some real-world use cases showcasing the adaptability of PikeOS and the importance of aligning application needs with the right platform.


Flight Management System (FMS): Coordinates the aircraft's flight by controlling the autopilot, including navigation and performance data.

PikeOS for MPU
Terrain Awareness Warning System (TAWS): Processes real-time altitude data, coming from redundant and independent sensors, to prevent unintended contact with the ground.

Docker Environment
In-Flight Entertainment System: Provides multimedia content to passengers, with a focus on user experience rather than real-time critical tasks.


Train Control and Management System (TCMS): Manages and controls multiple sub-systems such as traction, braking, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning), and doors, demanding high-level multitasking and data processing.

PikeOS for MPU
Automatic Train Protection (ATP) System: Ensures the train operates safely within defined limits, often involving real-time data processing from sensors but with focused tasks.

Docker Environment
Passenger Information System (PIS): Displays real-time journey information and announcements, where latency is less critical.


Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS): Incorporates a suite of features from lane departure warnings to traffic sign recognition, requiring heavy multitasking and data processing.

PikeOS for MPU
Electronic Stability Control (ESC): Processes real-time data from wheel-speed sensors to help drivers maintain control of the vehicle in adverse conditions.

Docker Environment
Car Infotainment System: Provides audio, video, GPS navigation, and other leisure features where real-time response isn't as critical.

Industrial Automation

Vision-Based Quality Inspection Systems: Utilizes advanced object recognition and video data analytics to identify defects and ensure quality control in manufacturing lines. This application demands high computational power and real-time processing to analyze visual data and make immediate decisions, aligning perfectly with PikeOS's capacity for handling complex, multi-threaded tasks.

PikeOS for MPU
Precision Robot Servo Control: Deployed for the fine-tuned management of robotic arm movements in manufacturing processes, where exact positioning is paramount. This application leverages the real-time capabilities of PikeOS for MPU to swiftly process feedback from servo motors and adjust their actions to achieve high precision and efficiency in tasks such as assembly, painting, or welding. The system ensures safety by maintaining strict control over the robotic movements, preventing deviations that could lead to operational hazards or product defects.

Docker Environment
Inventory Management Software: Tracks products throughout a warehouse or storage facility, where real-time operations are less critical.

Customer Benefits


IoT Growth & Scalability

Our PikeOS Edge-to-Cloud platform enables seamless integration of an expanding array of smart devices, fostering IoT growth and connectivity. The adaptable architecture scales seamlessly to accommodate growth, ensuring continued performance and efficiency in various systems and applications



The platform supports mixed criticality applications with robust Safety and Security features, ensuring compliance with certification standards in industries such as Avionics, Space, Railway, Automotive, or Industrial Automation


Security & Privacy

Localized data processing enhances Security and privacy, mitigating risks associated with centralized data storage


Data Sovereignty

Compliance with local data regulations ensures adherence to data sovereignty principles. These can be quickly reconfigured or updated to meet the new standards, fostering trust and compliance



Real-time response capabilities ensure swift decision-making, crucial in scenarios where latency is critical (such as sensor data processing, synchronizing machinery, robotics, or other automated systems)



Efficient data transfer mechanisms optimize bandwidth usage, facilitating smoother communication between devices and networks


Operational Resilience

Independent functioning guarantees uninterrupted operations, vital for maintaining business continuity even in the event of faults


Customizability & Hybrid Deployments

Our solution can be tailored to various devices to empower our customers to meet specific requirements, enhancing flexibility and functionality. Flexible resource allocation allows for hybrid deployments, optimizing resource utilization across Edge and Cloud environments


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