PikeOS for MPU

Real-Time Partitioning for MPU Architectures

  • Based on a separation kernel with the performance of a traditional RTOS
  • Available to lightweight systems with a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) only
  • For controllers targeting Medical, Automotive, Aeronautics and Space industries
  • Easing and accelerating certification for Safety-critical systems
  • Reduces hardware requirements and complexity
Application Separation

Application Separation

PikeOS offers strict partitioning and strong separation to provide built-in Security by design

Hardware Consolidation

Hardware Consolidation

Extreme flexibility provides independence from suppliers in the choice of hardware architectures


Use of COTS

The benefit of using Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components is to lower overall costs for applications

Certification Kits

PikeOS Compatibility

+80% of the original code base makes the available PikeOS documentation and certification artefacts reusable

Inter-Core Communication

Inter-Core Communication

PikeOS instances on different cores can communicate with each other via message-based communication channels


ITAR free

As European company, our products have no export restrictions enabling unrestricted global deployment

PikeOS for MPU

PikeOS for MPU is aiming to provide a safe and secure execution environment for medium-sized hardware platforms which do not provide a Memory Management Unit (MMU) and therefore cannot run the standard PikeOS.

PikeOS for MPU is intended to be used on MPU-based SoCs as well as on heterogeneous SoC implementing MMU and MPU clusters.

We continually enhance and update PikeOS for MPU to meet evolving technology and industry requirements.

Board Support Packages


What's new with PikeOS for MPU 1.1

Have a look at the features and updates of our latest PikeOS for MPU version.

See the Features


Development Environment and APIs

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There is almost no learning curve, as the development tools and API stay nearly identical. PikeOS for MPU is embedded into CODEO as if it was just another architecture. That also makes migration from older applications remarkably simple. PikeOS Classic and PikeOS for MPU projects can even be managed in the same IDE at the same time.

More about CODEO

Since the development tools, such as the ROM-Image builder and the VMIT (Virtual Machine Initialization Table) builder, are shared between the two operating systems, PikeOS for MPU inherits the qualification status of its bigger brother. That together with the fact that PikeOS for MPU bases on SYSGO's well-proven virtualization technology, PikeOS for MPU comes with a head start in terms of certification.


PikeOS & PikeOS for MPU working Hand in Hand

Multi-core processors have entered the embedded market. However, unlike to desktop computing where all processor cores are of the same type,
embedded SoCs (Systems-on-a-Chip) are highly specialized for a dedicated purpose. Therefore, you will often find heterogeneous processor cores on the same chip.

With the PikeOS family of products, you can manage the entire software stack of such a complex big SoC within one single CODEO workspace. The project wizards and editors support you while you are planning the architecture of AMP and SMP domains. Even anything in between can be designed.

A typical setup on a Xilinx Ultrascale+ would look like as shown in the architecture:

PikeOS is running multiple partitions on the Cortex-A53 cores in SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processing) mode, while the Cortex-R5 cores are executing PikeOS for MPU in AMP (Asymmetric Multi-Processing) mode.

During your development it might turn out that the current assignment of software applications to processor cores is not optimal. Fortunately, this can be fixed with almost no efforts, as the PikeOS solution allows you to utilize the same API, no matter whether the CPU provides an MMU or MPU.

PikeOS for MPU

Starting into the Multi-Core World

PikeOS for MPU is based on the same time- and resource partition management as the classic PikeOS operating system. It also shares the same internal, fine-grained locking mechanisms and has the same means to mitigate hardware interference between processor cores, e.g. due to cache contention. The system integrator has all methods at his disposal to determine the worst-case execution times and enforce that any application does not consume more processor usage than it is allowed. Together with our partner eco system, PikeOS for MPU is ready for Safety-related standards on multi-core processors, such as CAST-32A.

PikeOS for MPU in Space

Reducing Single Event Upset (SEU) Effects

The environment in space is harsh, not only in terms of temperature and vibration, but also due to cosmic radiation. One of the major goals is to reduce and mitigate the effects of a single event upset. That is why hardware for space missions is stripped down in complexity. Boards based on processors without an MMU are way less complex, easier to understand and better to protect. We are proud to say that one of the first projects and our motivation to build PikeOS for MPU lies in the support of Space missions.


Cybersecurity by Design

for Mixed Criticality embedded Systems

PikeOS for MPU as secure Space RTOS

Security for Space has become important in most recent times. Use cases such as earth observation, satellite navigation, satellite telecommunications or deep Space missions demand Security requirement that need to be fulfilled.


Software Security Requirements

  • Protection of the OS layer from applications, and applications from other applications
  • Protection of the communication to and from external systems
  • Secure Boot / Secure Update of systems

PikeOS for MPU has a pre-qualified set of documentation for Security and provides the basis to provide all Security features to be used for SBRTOS (Systems Based on the RTOS). 

For Security certification on system level, the combination of the NG-ULTRA SoC FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) and PikeOS for MPU have the best pre-requisites to fulfill the needed requirements for Space missions concerning Security while maintaining Safety and dependability.

Our key drivers are the re-usability and ability to support the Space Avionics Open Interface Architecture (SAVOIR). 

Ready for Space Security

PikeOS for MPU ensures the separation of applications by means of time and space partitioning. A partition is created and maintained by the operating system and resources are allocated according to the partition configuration, like memory, CPU time or I/O access rights. 

PikeOS for MPU has been validated with respect to Security and Common Criteria or a similar approach can be used as Security standard.

SYSGO in the Knowledge Bank of ESA’s R&D Programmes

The project aim is to create a real-time operating system tailored for spacecraft microprocessors. It has to meet rigorous Security and Safety standards, allowing it to run multiple applications simultaneously, each with varying levels of assurance (mixed criticality), while ensuring Safety and Security.

Read more & Download Presentations

PikeOS for MPU and ESA

Space Avionics Open Interface Architecture (SAVOIR)

SAVOIR is an initiative of the European Space Agency (ESA) aimed at uniting the Space Avionics community and working together to improve the way European Space community builds Avionics subsystems.

SAVOIR Main Objectives:

  • Reduction of schedule and risk, along with associated costs, for the procurement and development of Avionics
  • Enhancement of competitiveness of Avionics suppliers
  • Influence on standardization processes by standardizing at the appropriate level to ensure device interchangeability (the topology remains project-specific)
  • Definition of the governance model for products, generic specifications, and interface definition of elements developed under the SAVOIR initiative

SAVOIR is applied as part of ESA tenders and throughout the subsequent procurement and development process. A particular aim is to utilize the results of SAVOIR in future projects and relevant products as part of the portfolios of European suppliers.

SAVOIR expected Benefits:

  • For customers: Simplification of the procurement process for Space Avionics
  • For system integrators: Facilitation of space avionics integration
  • For suppliers: Preparation of technical conditions for more efficient product line organization

SAVOIR supports:

  • Space Avionics customers and system architects
  • System integrators
  • Avionics and technology suppliers
  • Standardization organizations

It is a tool for industrial policy and research and development planning. For further information, please visit www.savoir.estec.esa.int

Longterm Support

Professional Support

We provide two types of product support: The Standard Support covers the basic questions on the product use (installation, tools usage etc.) via E-Mail. The Premium Support offers more customer-specific help with direct contact to a dedicated support engineer.

Software Secure Update

Life Cycle Updates

Customers can benefit from ongoing improvements by accessing the SYSGO customer portal, where the latest updates of target binaries, new Board Support Packages, and add-ons are available.

Training & Consulting

Training & Consulting

We want to make building your target devices as convenient as possible. However, SYSGO’s guided trainings boost the skills of your embedded developer team and maximizes the output – for efficient teams that love to develop for embedded devices.

More Customer Benefits


Certifiable MPU and MMU Cores

When using heterogeneous SoC (Systems-on-a-Chip) customers can profit from one PikeOS IDE for the configuration of certifiable MPU and MMU cores


Avionics Customers

Avionics customers can benefit from the ARINC 653, Part 1 compliant configuration


Space Applications

PikeOS for MPU supports less complex hardware which mitigates SEU effects. Great for SPACE applications


Automotive Market

Support for systems with heterogeneous processor core such as the Xilinx Ultrascale+ which is widely used within the Automotive market


Safety & Security Bulletins / Patches

PikeOS for MPU offers Safety & Security bulletins / patches. Step by step, we enlarge Security add-on technologies, such as TSL, SSL or encryption libraries to help making systems more secure


PikeOS Native API

Enhanced PikeOS native API allows migration from software running on proprietary operating systems as well as usage of open-source projects


ITAR free

Our products are not subject to U.S. ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations), reducing export restrictions and simplifying global deployment

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