Events & Webcasts

Overcoming the Challenges of certifying Next-Generation Avionics Software

Online Webcast
Tue, April 01, 2025

Joint Webcast with LDRA and SYSGO

Urban Air Mobility (UAM), Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), and electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft are shaping the landscape of next generation aircraft and Avionics. Development and testing teams working to ensure adequate Safety and Security of Avionics systems and software are finding the cost, time, and effort to meet airworthiness certification goals is rising exponentially. Several demanding and changing circumstances are impacting traditional Avionics software development and verification practices:

  • Emerging standards and increasing regulations of autonomous systems
  • Increasing use of C++ for embedded software to overcome complexity
  • Adoption of agile practices and iterative development to reduce time to field new capabilities
  • New Cybersecurity attack vectors driving the need for DevSecOps

The move to an integrated suite of automated software development and verification tools can have a dramatic impact on meeting the challenges of the changing airworthiness landscape. The benefits of an integrated tooling solution include better management of certification artifacts along with reduction in cost, time, and risk of certifying next-generation Avionics software.

In our webcast, we will describe and demonstrate how LDRA and SYSGO are partnering to provide a solution built upon best practices for overcoming the challenges of developing safe and secure next-generation Avionics software.

(Included: SYSGO's C++ Safety library and LDRA's C++ static/testing/coverage capabilities)

Session 1

9:00 AM (GMT) - 10:00 AM (CET) - 2:30 (IST)

Register here

Session 2

4:00 PM (GMT) - 5:00 PM (CET) - 10:00 AM (CST)

Register here

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Joint Webcast with LDRA

Tue, April 01, 2025

Session 1

9:00 AM (GMT) - 10:00 AM (CET) - 2:30 (IST)

Register here

Session 2

4:00 PM (GMT) - 5:00 PM (CET) - 10:00 AM (CST)

Register here

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