Common Criteria
SYSGO’s PikeOS Security Certification Kit helps customers prepare their certification in projects that are aiming for a Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) from the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) or the Airbus SAR SAL up to the highest levels.
Common Criteria (ISO/IEC 15408) addresses protection of assets from unauthorised disclosure, modification, or loss of use.
Information Technology Security Evaluation
The PikeOS certification approach is modular and hardware independent to the upmost extend. Certifications can be easily extended to different hardware platforms with additional certified components. The tool chain is qualified and the Security methods and considerations are adapted according to the respected vertical market. PikeOS is certified according to Common Criteria to fast-forward the approval processes. Other standards are met via compliance matrices.
The CertKit is a bundle of evidence for a specific PikeOS version. It contains:
- Augmented Security Target
- Certificate
- Evaluation Technical Reports
- Interface Documents such as KERN-IF and PSSW-IF
- Safety Security Manual
The Certkit applies to the PikeOS Separation Kernel without BSP.
Also, a PikeOS BSP/Authority certification kit is available that additionally to the above can get an authority kit for ITSEF (IT Security Evaluation Facility) and the authority of the customer's choice. It contains full functional/design specification and source code. Each CertKit comes with a Security bulletin, mentioning known thread vectors and improvements.
Security Levels
Evaluation Assurance Levels (EAL)
- EAL 1 - lowest
- EAL 2
- EAL 3
- EAL 4
- EAL 5
- EAL 6
- EAL 7 - highest
EAL 1 is functionally tested and EAL 2 is structurally tested, whereas EAL 6 and 7 are meant for specific products with a highly focused Security scope.
For most Security use cases, an RTOS level of EAL 3 to 5 is sufficient. SYSGO is continuously working on the next steps.
SYSGO also offers the Avionics Airbus Security certification standard SAR up to level SAL 4.