Annual Review & Plans for 2022
PikeOS updated POSIX GuestOS
With the next PikeOS major release, the POSIX personality will receive a significant update. A new variant of the personality will be added which allows spawning new processes during run time. In addition, inter-process communication and synchronization via message queues, named semaphores, dynamic shared memory and inter-process signal will be supported. Pthreads will be executed as PikeOS Native threads which will significantly improve I/O performance.
PikeOS x86 Hardware Virtualization Support
The PikeOS 5.1 product line will be extended to support hardware virtualization (VT-x) on Intel 64-bit CPUs. Compared to para-virtualization, VT-x support will significantly improve performance of a virtualized guest OS. A guest will be able to access hardware devices directly or use PikeOS device driver via the P4bus technology. Together with the PikeOS hardware virtualization support, ELinOS will be provided as guest operating system.
ELinOS latest Release: New Features and Security
ELinOS 7.1 will come with a package updater that provides an auto update mechanism based on rpm archives hosted on a secure SYSGO server. Furthermore, the system boot mechanism will be optimized by the integration of systemd as init process. For PikeOS, customers that are using standard services within one or more Linux partitions, the integration process is simplified by means of pre-compiled ELinOS secure images. These feature partitions come with an optimized Linux kernel and each of them provides a single feature only, e.g. Docker, HTML5 GUI, Webserver, Router, etc. In case the partitions need some customization, there is also a one-click solution to switch from a pre-compiled project to a full ELinOS project.
Avionics Demo
SYSGO and Xilinx present an avionics demonstrator that operates the control surfaces of an R/C flight model in real-time. The data comes from the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 via Ethernet. The system runs on a Xilinx Ultrascale+ based board and uses both SYSGO's PikeOS classic and PikeOS for MPU. While PikeOS for MPU runs on a Cortex-R5 core and handles the real-time part in concert with the Xilinx FPGA, PikeOS classic is executing on one of the application Cortex-A53 cores, implementing the communication part. The developer benefits from a development environment that covers all aspects of the Xilinx US+, starting from the FPGA and all available processor cores.
Railway Demo
ANSYS and SYSGO show a railway demonstrator that explains the usage of model-driven development in the context of Automatic Train Operation (ATO). The system applies the throttle and brakes of an electric locomotive that is running within a graphical simulator. The controlling application is executing on top of SYSGO newest operating system: PikeOS for MPU. The communication via Ethernet to the simulation is implemented within PikeOS classic that is running side-by-side on the same hardware: Xilinx Ultrascale+. The controlling application has been generated automatically out of a SCADE model. Since the development tools are validated for safety projects up to the highest assurance level SIL 4, the developer benefits from reduced certification effort.
Automotive Demo
SYSGO's PikeOS and Apex.OS from our partner apex.ai demonstrate a platform that can be used for a smooth transition of prototyped robotics (ROS2) applications with strict separation and freedom from interference between high and low ASIL applications. The PikeOS hypervisor allows different partitions with (among others) POSIX and Linux components, where developers can profit from algorithms, software framework, data transport and underlying hardware capabilities. The platform reduces development and certification time in complex ADAS and AD projects.
PikeOS for MPU
Recently, we have announced the launch of our new PikeOS for MPU, opening a new range of controllers targeted to lightweight systems that come with a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) only.
Learn more about PikeOS for MPU
EAL Next
We are finalizing the certifications for the next level of security, reflected in several new Certification Kits.
SYSGO supports you in software and hardware architecture consulting and helps you better define the technical environment for your project.